baru-baru ni ayah nasir hamzah meninggal...aku sempat berada bersama nasir di bilik forensik Hostpital Serdang menunggu acara birokrasi tamat dengan lambatnya...aku, ejai, cikgu aziz, felina, dan nasir sulaiman adalah antara rakan taulan nasir hamzah yang hadir bersama disamping beliau dalam saat=saat begini...Dalam saat-saat beginilah kita dapat tengok "kawan-kawan" yang datang menghulurkan bantuan...aku, seperti biasa, bila duduk lama sgt dlm bilik forensik ini mulalah terasa 1001 kelainan...biliknya yang suram-suram cahayanya dan mendinginkan cuacanya membuatkan aku terbuai sekejap dlm realiti dan fantasi...aku...hmmm..seperti biasa akan cepat "merasa" kehadiran ... dan aku tidak hairan Puteri Tujuh dari Belum boleh singgah melekat pada aku atas kesesuaian atau mudahnya aku dengan aliran aliran seperti ini..segala acara birokrasi selesai jam 6.30 petang setelah menunggu lebih 2 jam...kasihan jenazah...tapi apapun Cikgu Aziz dan Felina berpesan supaya jangan tinggalkan jenazah...kumat-kamitkan lah dengan sedekah al-fatihah dan ayat tiga-tiga Qul..aku sedekah, ejai sedekah, dan semua orang sedekah...semoga roh allahyarham berada bersama golongan orang-orang yang beriman...amin..
sampai di Menara jam 9 malam..dan bau kapur barus mengikuti aku...Doa..."Ya Allah..sekiranya kau matikan aku dlm bulan-bulan ini, matikan lah aku dlm iman...Kau mudahkan lah urusan aku di dunia dan akhirat milikMU yang mutlak ...ampunkan lah dosa-dosa ku...dosa dosa yang telah aku lakukan, mahupun dosa-dosa yang belum aku lakukan...Ya Allah..ampunkan lah dosa-dosa anak-anakku..isteri-isteriku..dan juga ayah dan ibuku...kasihanilah mereka seperti mana mereka mengasihani kami sewaktu kami kecil dulu Ya.Allah...amin ya rabbal-alamin...
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Berhenti berharap...
entry kali ini mungkin lebih berbentuk spesifik kerana baru baru ini aku lebih banyak berdialog dalam diri sendiri...tapi tahap ini bukanlah tahap eccentric lagi kerana aku masih mampu untuk berfikir walaupun stress dan kesakitan di belakang tengkok ni amat terasa sekali...hari ni hari yang santai...spending quality time with family and made me understand and realize of what has past and what I should do next...aku dan family bertolak ke Rembau untuk spend two solid days di sini disamping berbudi pada keluarga sebelah sini..buku kecik yg aku bawak sentiasa ini pun terus aku isi walaupun untuk melakukan even the smallest of things, ternyata masih bnyk lagi kerja aku yang tertangguh...dan dalam waktu-waktu santai begini, aku teringatkan pesanan seorang kawan untuk melihat videoklip Marcell dgn tajuknya seperti di atas...lantas ...aku terus berfikir dan fikir dan kiranyalah aku dapat menangkap maksud kawan aku itu, yang penuh dgn metafora...dan aku pun terus befiqir, akufiqir..dan fiqir...Insyallah...kini aku faham segalanya, Allah jadikan sesuatu perkara itu bersebab...
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Al-Fatihah utk ayahanda sahabat perjuangan...Allahyarham Hamzah bt Puteh
1. Dengan nama Allah, Yang Maha Pemurah, lagi Maha Mengasihani.
2. Segala puji tertentu bagi Allah, Tuhan Yang memelihara dan mentadbirkan sekalian alam.
3. Yang Maha Pemurah, lagi Maha Mengasihani.
4. Yang Menguasai pemerintahan hari Pembalasan (hari Akhirat).
5. Engkaulah sahaja (Ya Allah) Yang Kami sembah, dan kepada Engkaulah sahaja Kami memohon pertolongan.
6. Tunjukilah Kami jalan Yang lurus.
7. Iaitu jalan orang-orang Yang Engkau telah kurniakan nikmat kepada mereka, bukan (jalan) orang-orang Yang Engkau telah murkai, dan bukan pula (jalan) orang-orang Yang sesat.
refleksi diri...another pix borrowed from NatGeo..
kalau ditenung betul betul, kita bakal saksikan refleksi diri kita sendiri pada akuarium ini..pada penghuni nya yang tak henti henti befikir untuk menjadi "human" dan kita yang melihat tidak henti-henti berfikir utk menjadi ikan...alangkah-alangkah...begitulah..tapi Maha Pencipta lebih Maha Mengetahui...fiqir-fiqirkan lah...
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
My Sassy Girl (2008)...
Poyo citer ni... but it gives another dimension for those looking for a destiny to bridge..Ejai...g tengok nih..
Like the original film, this is a story of how a nice guy falls in love with a hellion. The guy is Charlie Bellow (Bradford), a polite, kind-hearted young man from the Midwestern state of Indiana, and the hellion is Jordan Roark (Cuthbert), a beautiful, fun-loving, emotionally volatile young woman who drinks too much and lives in New York City with her father, who is a wealthy physician. Charlie narrates the story.Charlie's parents hope Charlie will one day secure a managerial position with the Tiller King agricultural company, where his father works as a maintenance mechanic. When Charlie starts business school in New York City, he sees Jordan drunkenly leaning over the guard rail in a subway station, saves her from an oncoming train, and carries her to his apartment. During the following weeks, Charlie and Jordan have several fun, creative dates. Worried about Jordan's volatility, Charlie usually declines when she invites him somewhere, but she cheerfully ignores his refusal and he always gives in to her. Among other things, Jordan tells Charlie that her fiancé recently left her, tells a Tiller King representative she is pregnant with Charlie's child, sabotages Charlie's job interview with another Tiller King representative, and gives a piano recital. Charlie and Jordan have no sex during this time, but he falls deeply in love with her and she obviously enjoys being with him. Their dating is occasionally interrupted by Jordan's father, who believes Charlie is responsible for her drunkenness.
After two or three months, Jordan asks Charlie to meet her in Central Park to exchange love letters. At the park, she says she needs more time to heal from the loss of her fiancé. She insists that they bury their letters under a bonsai tree, stop seeing each other, and meet at the same place on the same day of the following year. When the day arrives, Charlie returns to the tree, but Jordan is not there. In her letter, she explains that her fiancé actually died, that Charlie reminds her of him, and that many of her dates with Charlie were reenactments of previous dates with her fiancé. She says that her absence at the bonsai tree means she has not healed yet and that this means destiny has dictated that she and Charlie were not meant to be together. The next day, Jordan goes to the tree, where an old man tells her Charlie has visited the tree periodically, even going so far as to replace it a few months ago after it was struck by lightning. In his letter, Charlie tells Jordan she is the only woman he will ever love and says he believes he is destined to be with her.
Some time later, Jordan meets at a restaurant with her ex-fiancé's mother. The two women got along well while he was alive, and they have stayed in touch since his death. The mother has been trying to set Jordan up with another young man, and she has arranged for the two to meet today. As she begins to describe the man, Charlie walks into the restaurant. The mother is Charlie's aunt, Jordan's fiancé was Charlie's recently deceased cousin, and Charlie is the young man himself. The film ends after Charlie and Jordan share their first kiss and Charlie explains to the audience that we all need to help destiny in shaping our lives. Repeating the old man's words, he says "You need to build a bridge to the one you love."
City of of my fav..
I watched it..and i want to become an angel.(dulu larr...poyo ejai nih..maybe becoz of Meg nih kot..)
In Los Angeles, Seth (Nicolas Cage) is one of many Angels who watch over humans and protect them in unseen ways. The movie portrays angels in a somewhat traditional role without referencing a specific faith. Seth's main responsibility is to appear to those who are close to death and guide them to the next life. As part of this task, Seth and one of his fellow angels, Cassiel (Andre Braugher), like to ask people what their favorite thing in life was. But despite their daily encounters with humans and their ways, they appear to have trouble understanding human beings.While waiting to escort to the other world a man who will not survive heart surgery, Seth is impressed by the vigorous efforts of the surgeon, Maggie Rice (Meg Ryan) to save the ill-fated man's life and her sincere anguish at her failure to do so. (The man is in fact standing with Seth watching Maggie try to save him.) Seth soon becomes fascinated with Maggie and decides to become visible to her despite his obvious inability to give her many convincing details about himself, such as what he does for a living or even his last name. Despite this, they develop a friendship which soon turns to mutual attraction, although Maggie is already involved with one of her colleagues (Colm Feore) at the hospital.
Seth then meets Nathaniel Messinger (Dennis Franz), one of Maggie's patients, who can sense Seth's presence and that of other angels. Nathaniel soon relates to Seth that he, too, had once been an angel but, by way of the free will granted to angels, decided to become human through the process he refers to as "falling". Seth begins to consider exercising this option so that he can be with Maggie in a fully physical and emotional relationship. When Maggie receives a marriage proposal from the fellow surgeon she is seeing, she finds herself having to choose between him and Seth.
Having realized that Seth is impervious to injury, Maggie finally confronts him and demands to know who or what he really is, but she is unable to accept the revelation and sends him away. Maggie later talks about Seth with Nathaniel who gradually reveals his own angelic origin. He explains to her why he himself chose to become human and points out that Seth is thinking of doing the same.
Seth decides to become human through the symbolic gesture of falling from atop a skyscraper. Immediately upon awakening from his plummet he starts to experience all of the human feelings and sensations that he had never been able to understand, beginning with physical injury and pain. Up until this point, Seth's personality and emotions, like those of all the other angels, have been very subdued, but that starts to change.
Now human, Seth has to find his way to the hospital to see Maggie, but he's told that she has gone to her uncle's mountain cabin for a break. Penniless and naive, he can't pay for the journey and ends up getting mugged and having his boots taken from his feet by a gang of roving predators. He eventually hitches a ride to Lake Tahoe and appears, rain-soaked and cold, at Maggie's doorstep. Seeing the split lip and condensed breath coming from his mouth in the cold air, Maggie realizes that he has given up his exalted status for her love. She sees to his wounds and then they enjoy warm, passionate lovemaking at last.
The next morning, as Seth is in the shower, enjoying his first sensation of running hot water on his body, Maggie rides her bike to a local store to buy some pears for him. On her way back, happy and fulfilled, she rides her bike with her eyes closed and her arms wide open to the Autumn sunlight and her bright future with Seth. Her happiness is cut short by a logging truck that catches her by surprise when it pulls out in front of her. Seth apparently senses that Maggie is in trouble and runs to her aid. He arrives in time for Maggie to tell him that she sees the angels who have come to escort her away. Although Seth is no longer able to see the angels, he knows they are there and begs Maggie not to look at them. Maggie tells him that she's not afraid and that when they will ask her what her favorite thing in life was, she will say it was Seth.
Now grieving and alone, Seth is visited by his former colleague and friend, the angel Cassiel. Cassiel offers comfort and asks him whether he regrets his decision to become human. Seth's answer is a resounding “no”:
“ | I would rather have had one breath of her hair, one kiss of her mouth, one touch of her hand, than eternity without it. | ” |
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Monday, January 25, 2010
doa dari hati...
doa itu satu ibadah...kekadang kita tak realize pentingnya berdoa...doa yg paling mustajab mengikut kata ustaz wan sohor bani leman ialah doa yang terbit dari hati...aku dulu semasa merasai "sakit"...senang betul dapat merasa "hati"...sekarang "hati" itu terasa jauh sangat...aku befiqir..g mana ya mau dapatkan "hati" itu kembali...
Saturday, January 23, 2010
akukah yang bertopeng?...
kekadang bila kita senyap, orang itu akan berkata kita berangan, dan kita banyak buat assumption...tapi aku tetap berfiqir dan diam...kerana "silent is gold"...bila kita diam, orang kata "U got problem bro..?"..yeah i guess so....but i keep it somewhere in my pocket.. hahaha...katalah apa saja, tapi aku tau apa yg aku buat...
aku tunggu IMAN...
betulke orang pernah berkata bahawa iman kita tu ada pasang dan surut, ada turun dan ada naik? Macam mana nak ada disiplin untuk mengekang iman itu utk berada di tahap yg bukan "E" -empty atau enuff seadanya...perlukah rasa sakit bagai "end of the journey"?...akufiqir lagi...
menuju ke destinasi
cantikkan...semuanya menuju ke arah satu destinasi, tanpa berebut, malah menunggu giliran...justeru itu, kesabaran dan disiplin adalah kunci kepada keteraturan begini...
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
My fren EJEi gave me this...Have fun reading it...

- Every company faces the problem of people leaving the company for better pay or profile.
- Early this year, Mark, a senior software designer, got an offer from a prestigious international firm to work in its India operations developing specialized software. He was thrilled by the offer.
- He had heard a lot about the CEO. The salary was great. The company had all the right systems in place employee-friendly human resources (HR) policies, a spanking new office,and the very best technology,even a canteen that served superb food.
- Twice Mark was sent abroad for training. 'My learning curve is the sharpest it's ever been,' he said soon after he joined.
- Last week, less than eight months after he joined, Mark walked out of the job.
- Why did this talented employee leave ?
- Arun quit for the same reason that drives many good people away.
- The answer lies in one of the largest studies undertaken by the Gallup Organization. The study surveyed over a million employees and 80,000 managers and was published in a book called 'First Break All The Rules'. It came up with this surprising finding:
- If you're losing good people, look to their immediate boss .Immediate boss is the reason people stay and thrive in an organization. And he 's the reason why people leave. When people leave they take knowledge,experienc e and contacts with them, straight to the competition.
- 'People leave managers not companies,' write the authors Marcus Buckingham and Curt Coffman.
- Mostly manager drives people away?
- HR experts say that of all the abuses, employees find humiliation the most intolerable. The first time, an employee may not leave,but a thought has been planted. The second time, that thought gets strengthened. The third time, he looks for another job.
- When people cannot retort openly in anger, they do so by passive aggression. By digging their heels in and slowing down. By doing only what they are told to do and no more.. By omitting to give the boss crucial information. Dev says: 'If you work for a jerk, you basically want to get him into trouble. You don 't have your heart and soul in the job.'
- Different managers can stress out employees in different ways - by being too controlling, too suspicious,too pushy, too critical, but they forget that workers are not fixed assets, they are free agents. When this goes on too long, an employee will quit - often over a trivial issue.
- Talented men leave. Dead wood doesn't.
Monday, January 18, 2010
I wish...

I wish....
apapun....percaya lah pada qada &qadar, kerana qada&qadar itu adalah salah satu dari rukun iman...
apapun...doa dan usaha adalah pertamanya dan akhirannya adalah berharap dan bersyukur...
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
aku cerita...
seperti pagi pagi yg biasa, aku akan bergerak dari "sarang" aku untuk menghantar puteriku ke gedung ilmu...645 am menjadi benchmark utk aku berada di dalam kereta, memandu ke destinasi sambil mendengar Ustaz Wan Sohor Bani Leman berhujah selama 15 minit melalui siaran 97.2fm..sudah dua hari aku secara konsisten mendengar setiap butiran dari Ustaz Wan Sohor Bani Leman berhujah, dan dlm banyak kata-kata yg diluahkan..ada kata-kata yg sentiasa terngiang dlm benak aku...Ianya bila Ustaz tu mengatakan "biar anak kita menangis sekarang bila kita tegur." maknanya..biar budak budak ni nangis..jgn pulak kita yang menangis bila dia dah besar...masa tu dah tak berguna dah...Mendalam sungguh makna kata-kata dari Ustaz tu dan Alhamdulillah...puteriku faham bila aku gunakan kilasan mata bila menegur...biasalah...aku pun dulu mcm tu jugak..Dlm tiap hela nafas ini, aku mendoakan kesejahteraan semua yg membaca bila aku bercerita...lebih lebih lagi puteriku...Bak kata Ustaz Wan Sohor Bani Leman,..jago anak tino ni banyak pahala...(ustaz ore kelate...)..faham Ustaz faham..akufiqir..
Monday, January 11, 2010
kerja kita kita buat, kerja orang pun kita buat...siapakah kita??

Semut...itulah kita..
Aku kata aku mcm semut...tapi ada yg kata, kita bukan...kita adalah askar kita adalah soldadu. atau kita adalah sojar..hehe tapi apapun..kita adalah "Kuli"...kita kuli makan gaji...kalau kita orang yang berniaga, maka kita adalah "kuli" untuk dunia materialistik yg kita bina sendiri...kenapa aku menulis macam ini..sebab separuh orang gunakan aku sebaik mungkin...gunakan akal aku..gunakan kudrat aku...gunakan semangat aku...dengan demikian, pantas aku mengatakan aku buat kerja aku dan kerja orang pun aku buat...aku semut punya banyak tangan untuk dieksploit...sbb kerja untuk orang ramai yang mengarah dari yang membuat..aku membuat dan aku mengarah..aku mengarah pada semangat aku supaya tros positif..supaya tros berdiri tegak, jangan condong..sbb aku akan ditertawakan...Ramai yg tidak tahu aku mampu untuk jadi condong dlm tempoh yg singkat, tapi aku cuba jadik kuat..aku kuat kan semangat aku..sbb aku fikir..kerja aku, aku buat, kerja orang pun aku buat..fiqir...fiqir kan lah...
Friday, January 8, 2010
ATTITUDE demands 100%
Attitude demands 100% commitment...tak percaya?? cuba add A=1, B=2, C=3 and so on and on an on...ATTITUDE makes = 1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5 = 100...
Ejei...your feedback pls...
Manusia Mudah Lupa ...
..If I talked...someone or whoever will listen...if i need to listen...then that someone must really have given a good talk...then i will lend my ears...I used to said many things to a fren...and shared many stories to a fren... even Cma never heard of it before...that fren is truly a fren...If I pernah terlupa on whatever things i have said, it means am a normal human being. ...then manusia, kawan, lawan, adik, kakak, makcit, pakcit, dan apa saje yg telah mendengar sblm ini ...Ingat Mengingatkan lah...sbb manusia itu mudah lupa...
Myfren...apa Komen anda...?? manusia itu mudah lupa...
Wednesday, January 6, 2010 approach...
talk to fahrain about 1st day at Madeline...
talk to fatin about attitude...
talk to boey fatihah about attitude towards life & solat
I went through all these before...
and lastly...
talk to Cma about me...
am just exhausted...
talk to fatin about attitude...
talk to boey fatihah about attitude towards life & solat
I went through all these before...
and lastly...
talk to Cma about me...
am just exhausted...
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